Tag Archives: Linux

Asus K56CB-XO100 and the right mouse button with Linux

On Slackware Linux the right touchpad/mouse button of an Asus K56CB-XO100 is not working as expected. This is caused by wrong psmouse module options and an incorrect mouse type used by the gpm daemon. The solution is very simple. Configure psmouse module options Create /etc/modprobe.d/psmouse.conf with the following content: options psmouse proto=exps Run mouseconfig and Read the full article…

ConfigServer Security & Firewall (CSF) issue with natting to a remote PPTP server

One of my networks is protected by CSF, running on the router, and I noticed, I’m not able to connect from this network to a remote PPTP server (in this case it’s Poptop), while connecting from other networks, to the same PPTP server, is possible without problems. [me]—-[router with CSF]—-[Internet]—-[Poptop server] Of course the solution Read the full article…